It goes without saying that every child has the right to play and engage in recreational activity.

Currently at the Development Education Centre (DEC) at St Vincents Centre, Navan Road, 32 Children ranging in age from 5 – 18 are unable to do just that. They cannot access an outdoor area, suitable for their needs.

Project Eden will change that.

We at RESPECT will fund the construction of a Sensory Garden which will allow these children – who have profound to severe intellectual disabilities combined with medical conditions and other complex needs – to engage their “senses” in a wonderful outdoor environment. This architecturally designed garden will allow these children to be brought outside and experience fresh air, hear the sounds of nature, feel the sun, wind and rain, dip their hands in running water, have messy play with soil, smell plants and flowers etc.… Experiences that we take for granted. This stimulation of the senses is proven to improve cognitive and social development and build esteem. It supports movement, communication, hand function, fitness and mental health. This simple activity reduces stress, behavioural issues and can reduce medication.

We need your help to make this happen. On the 1st August the school holidays will allow us access the designated site at the DEC, from which it will be transformed into a state of the art Sensory Garden and change the lives of these special children, their carers and families forever. We have the design, the contractor and the location….. we just need the money, your money!

Let’s build a little bit of paradise for these children.

For more information see the brochure