If you pay tax and donate €250 or more to RESPECT, we can claim 45% in tax relief from Revenue at no extra cost to you.
To enable us to claim this relief, all you need do is complete a simple form CHY 3, also known as The Good Form, that covers any year in which you donate €250+.

Now, just with your signature, you can help us.

  • Whether you are PAYE or Self-Assessed, RESPECT can claim tax relief on your donation.
  • If your donations amount to €250 or more in a year, they could be worth an extra 45% to us.
  • By signing The Good Form Enduring Certificate, we can then claim tax relief on your donations (totaling €250 or more in any year) for a 5-year period (if tax has been paid).
  • The form does not commit you to pay anything – it simply enables tax relief if you donate €250+ in any of the five years.

For example, your donation of €250 would increase to €362, €500 to €724 and €1,000 up to €1,449. Note that there is no limit to the number of eligible charities who can claim tax relief on your donations (provided you pay at least the total amount in tax) – so, if you have given over €250 to other charities, please complete each CHY Form you receive from them too.

For further information, please download your CHY3 Form here.