Children’s Respite House at Lisnagry Limerick



In the heart of Lisnagry, Limerick, the need for a new children’s respite home presents a pressing issue that demands our attention. San Joseph Respite (the existing facility) while a beacon of hope for many, is constrained by its physical limitations and the complex needs of the children it serves.

The facility is unable to meet the growing demand for its services which has led to a situation where children and families in desperate need of respite are placed on a waiting list, with some waiting for long periods of time (the current average wait time is between two to four years). The current house’s capacity serves 25 children and their supporting families, which leaves many more than on a waiting list and an even larger number who will seek services in the future as demand continues to rise.

Avista’s Children’s Respite House

The solution to this situation lies in the establishment of Avista’s new respite home in Lisnagry, Limerick. This new facility, with an expanded capacity of six rooms, promises to be more than just a physical structure; it would be a home away from home for approximately 50 children. The innovative apartment-style design of the new house ensures that even when one child with highly complex needs is in respite, the rest of the facility remains open and accessible to other children. This not only maximises the utilisation of the space but also ensures that each child receives the personalised care they require without compromising the service available to others.

The impact of the project will be felt by many and it’s expected to significantly reduce the waiting list times for the children in need. Avista’s new Children’s Respite Home would represent a huge step forward in providing essential services to children and families in need. It also addresses not only the immediate limitations of the current facility but also anticipates the growing demand for these vital services.

The establishment of this new respite home is not just an investment in a building; it is an investment in the well-being and future of our community. We now need your help in achieving our fundraising target of €2m to turn the Respite House into a reality!